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Cussons mum&me (bump) body lotion (300ml) £10.18.

I have been moisturising my body since I was roughly around 12 weeks pregnant and I was using so many different products until I found this. I apply it everyday to my breasts, bump and bottom and so far on my bump it has worked wonders! I have a couple of stretch marks on my bum and breasts (only because I didn't expect to stretch there so I didn't moisturiser). I love the face it isn't one of them moisterisers that makes you feel greasy for hours after! It applies brilliantly to any part of your body! This cream leaves your skin as soft as your baby's will be and take no time to to make it your skin feeling amazing! The smell is lovely and still makes you feel fresh! I would recommend this to all mums-to-be. 

(Also works well on any skin type).


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